1. how did you come to know God?I accepted God into my heart when I was three years old. I attended a Christian preschool and the few memories I still have from those years are sweet. My dad passed away when I was four and I already had a foundation of God's love and peace. Faith has always come easier to me than most people; it's a simple stillness in my heart that stems from my childhood. I just, simply, know. I was quite active in Christian youth activities throughout my school years. Most of my best friends are amazing people that I knew from church, rather than school. Of course, life's difficulties change and multiply with age, and since leaving school, it's been more of a challenge for me to stay connected with God. I can't say that I don't struggle with being close to Him. I just know that my life is a lot better when I am.
2. what god did in 2009? what do you hope for in 2010?2009 was a particularly trying year but I came out of it feeling more blessed than I had in a long time. I spent exactly half the year suffering from a quite miserable vertigo & dizzyness; my husband continues on the long path of a potential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. My toddler son, bless his heart, is perfectly healthy and for that I fall on my face nightly with praise. In 2010 my goals are simple: I want to walk in the light with Jesus, as far and as long and as close as I can. I want to commit my life to Him daily and breathe Him in every morning and night. I want God to teach me how to hear Him. And I want to face our storms fearlessly, knowing with full faith that we are taken care of. I am beyond excited about what our online "bible study" group is doing in our lives and maybe even the lives of others looking in.
3. what helps you stay on task with your reading?I have a little routine: most nights I enjoy a hot bath, and that has become my Bible reading time. On the nights I don't get a bath, I end up closing myself into the bathroom anyway and sitting on the floor to spend my time with Jesus. I've started a prayer journal to keep track of all of the prayer requests from my small group that Em set up, plus praises or prayers from anything else in my life. I also keep a journal of verses that stand out to me after each reading. So into the bathroom comes my Bible, my prayer journal, my journal of Bible verses, a pen, a highlighter, and my cell phone. I read the passages first, then I get on the website on my phone and check out the comments already posted. I ponder everything for a bit, then return to the passages and write down the verses I feel are speaking to me. Then I open my Bible, open my prayer journal, and talk to Jesus for a while. Most importantly, I've been trying to LISTEN to him during this time as well. Finally, I highlight that night's reading on the year printout, check the website again for any additional comments or to add my own, and talk to Jesus again if I feel the need. :)
4. what is your church life like?I'm SO glad you asked about this, because it's one of the biggest prayer requests on my heart. Despite being active through most of my life in the church, and living in the same town I've grown up in, we are in need of a church community. I've been asking God to open our hearts and opportunities and guide us on this search. It's been particularly difficult since the birth of my son, as he's been in "nursery age" and I don't quite feel comfortable dropping him off in a strange church while we "check it out", but I know God will lead us in the right direction in His time. We've been fortunate enough to attend church services occasionally at the church my husband grew up in - but it's 45 minutes away. We need a place for us. Please pray if you can!
5. funny, random facts?I love sports and Coca-Cola and shopping and photography and those Hostess apple pies that have a bazillion calories. I work at a job that I think God carved out just for me. It has very little to do with my degree (which is computer science) but I occasionally help with conceptual development which I enjoy much more than programming, plus I get to play with Photoshop for a paycheck. My son has my blue eyes and my eyebrows. I minored in Spanish and I'm semi-fluent but rusty. Pink is my favorite color and I always crave cheese... and pickles.
Thank you so much, Laura! You are so very lovely.
You can find Laura's blog over at www.everypath.org!