
Feb 17

Exodus 39-40
Psalm 44
Luke 8

1 comment:

Christopher Clark said...

I was captivated by the three healings Jesus performed in Luke 8.

First, a very very troubled man. Described as a monster. Visibly tormented by Demons, breaking out of chains that bound him, naked, loud, ugly: Jesus restored this man to a quite, clothed, right minded, clean man. The people who witnessed were afraid and told Jesus to leave.

How would I have responded??

2nd, Jesus heals the bleeding woman. Such contrast. This woman had a problem that she probably kept very quite and secret, probably feeling shame and embarrassment. She heard about Jesus' power to heal and believed in it so much, that she resolved to reach out and grab the mans clothes in hopes that a touch might heal her. Jesus did not approach her or acknowledge her until she reached out and grabbed Him. She was healed by her faith.

3rd, Raised from the Dead!!! As if the first two are not amazing enough, Jesus grabs the hand of a dead child and gently commands her to rise. The people laughed at Jesus when he told them she was not dead but sleeping. I can only imaging the response when this girl opened her eyes and began to breath again. Mouths wide open, gasps, fear, wonder, doubt....to the point that Jesus had to tell them, "Hey, get the child some food."

These stories are so rich. They speak so much about God's mercy, and compassion. So much about His power over sickness and death. What hope. To know that our God possess this kind of love.